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Leak detection and shut off?

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  • Leak detection and shut off?

    I'm pretty paranoid about a catastrophic leak flooding the house while nobody's home. I use rigid copper for all faucet and toilet connections. (I shutoff the water to the washing machine and dishwasher when not in use.). So, an RO system's plastic tubing and many connections makes me nervous.

    Does anyone have a recommendation for a leak detector and shutoff valve? I have 110 volts available under the sink.

    I've seen a battery-operated LCS-14 for $60. But, it seems to be a bit lightweight. Product literature says it should only be used for 5 years (that it's not expected to hold up longer than that). I'm not keen on batteries, nor short longevity. I'd like to have something that's sturdier and intended for general appliance use. (I can transition from copper for the valve to plastic tubing for the RO unit.).


  • #2
    water controller/leak detector

    the leak detector listed is more than adequate for any reverse osmosis/ water filtration system.

    i have worked with these water controllers quite a bit, the design is great and its mountable on a wall under a sink.

    these controllers work off a "sensor" which is placed on a paper towel or napkin, the sensor has 2 plates, each with a wire running to them. when the plates on the sensor get wet, the circuit is completed, causing an audible alarm, and it shuts the water off going the the system.

    as far as batteries, it takes 4 AA batteries, and there is also an audible alarm when batteries need replacing.

    now this brings the issue, if the shutoff were placed on the inlet water, and there was a leak on the output side of the system, the water in the bladder tank wold continue to leak after the water has been shut off. if you have a 3 gallon tank, this is not TOO big a deal, but some systems carry a 80+ gallon tank, my advice is 2 water controllers, on on each end of the system, at the bladder tank and water inlet to system.

    also, practice caution when mixing copper with these plastic push fittings, if copper isn't COMPLETELY straight at the end, or of copper is inserted slightly crooked, it will cause a leak. it cuts the o-ring inside the fitting.

